Item Interaction Kit
Item Interaction Kit is an easy to use kit which is used to create various interaction types with objects. The script used to create various interaction types is fully dynamic in unity inspector.
by Eniv Studios
★★★★ star rating
Price History +
Kit Features :-
1. Interact Only :- This interaction type helps in displaying the object name and its info on the screen.
2. Examine Only :- This interaction type helps in examining objects.
3. Interact And Examine :- This interaction type contains the functionality of both interact only and examine only.
4. Note System :- This interaction type helps in displaying your custom note/letter on the screen.
5. Detailed Documentation Included
6. C# Source Code with explanation
If you want to make your Unity Inspector Dynamic check out my FREE Stylize C# Script asset.
If you have any suggestions or face any problems using this kit you can contact me through email or Linkedin. I will be happy to help :)