Simple Unity LipSync 2

Simple component to sync the Jaw-bone of your character with a batch of Audio-clips.

How this works:

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by Noir Project

★★★ star rating
Price History +

Simple component to sync the Jaw-bone of your character with a batch of Audio-clips.
How this works:
1. Add the lip-sync component on an empty Game-object, Then create a simple character.
2. Drag and Drop the jaw bone of your character to this component JAW, and make some simple fine tunes.
3. Set the default audio sense of the Audio-clips.

5. All is Ready!

- You can also Auto-play the lip sync when scene starts.
- You can call the lip sync and customize which audio plays from the script.
- Can generate the fake movement without audio line. - Movement Axis Selection
- Movement Direction Selector
- Multiple Characters
- Multiple Audios
- Simple Audio Sequencer
- Custom Delay
- Full documentation is available inside the package.
- Tutorial and Demo Scenes are also included.

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