Disclaimer: This should be known, but just in case you were wondering
-This vehicle model is inspired by a car in the real world
This Asset includes:
-A car model (of .fbx type)
-A prefab for the car (1960sMuscleCar.prefab)
-All the textures for the car
-All the materials for the car
-A demo for visual showcasing
Compatible with Realistic Car Controller
All Mesh Details:
-Car Detail Mesh: 11,454 tris
-Individual Wheel Mesh: 1,435 tris
-Headlight Covers Mesh: 264 tris
-Extras Mesh: 320 tris
-Ped Mesh: 172 tris
-Car LOD_1 Mesh: 7,620 tris
-Car LOD_2 Mesh: 3,809 tris
-Car LOD_3 Mesh: 1,904 tris
-Individual Wheel LOD Mesh: 501 tris
-Colliders Mesh: 180 tris
All Texture Details:
-grill_SPEC_METAL.png: 256x256
-brakelight_TEXTURE.png, brakelight_NRM.png, grill_NRM.png, grill2_NRM.png, headlight_NRM.png, tyre_NRM.png, tyre_TEXTURE.png, undercarriage_NRM.png, undercarriagelod_NRM.png, undercarriagelod_TEXTURE.png, underchrome_METAL.png: 1024x1024
All Texture Types:
All LOD Details: Prefab has 4 LOD States
-LOD_1 (Detail): 17,950 tris
-LOD_2: 13,796 tris
-LOD_3: 6,077 tris
-LOD_4: 4,172 tris
Third-Party file license notices:
-Asset uses MuscleCar.fbx, PrefabWorld.fbx; see 3D_Model_license_notice.txt file in package for details
-Asset uses brakelight_TEXTURE.png, brakelight_NRM.png, grill_NRM.png, grill2_NRM.png, grill_SPEC_METAL.png, headlight_NRM.png, tyre_NRM.png, tyre_TEXTURE.png, undercarriage_NRM.png, undercarriagelod_NRM.png, undercarriagelod_TEXTURE.png, underchrome_METAL.png; see Textures_license_notice.txt file in package for details