Southern Cassowary
This is a semi realistic 3d model and animations of a Cassowary. by JUNNICHI SUKO
Price History +
This is a semi realistic 3d model and animations of a Cassowary.
WebGL Demo
Demo for Windows(51.3MB)
Demo for Mac(22.6MB)
-Models folder contains CassowaryModel.FBX and CassowaryModelTwoLODs.FBX.
Bone count:52
mesh size
z axis is the forward direction of root node of these models.
-Textures folder contains textures.
texture size
albedo, normal, height:2048x2048
-Animations folder contains FBX files of animations.
The animation names are listed on the screen shots.
Walk and run animations are compatible with root motion.
for more information
WebGL Demo
Demo for Windows(51.3MB)
Demo for Mac(22.6MB)
-Models folder contains CassowaryModel.FBX and CassowaryModelTwoLODs.FBX.
Bone count:52
mesh size
z axis is the forward direction of root node of these models.
-Textures folder contains textures.
texture size
albedo, normal, height:2048x2048
-Animations folder contains FBX files of animations.
The animation names are listed on the screen shots.
Walk and run animations are compatible with root motion.
for more information