Optimized UI Components – Cursor

Change the main cursor management in Unity by offering a robust solution for customizing mouse sprites. With features such as dynamic cursor modification.

by Leeroy Studio

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Offers a comprehensive solution for managing cursor sprites, providing the capability to customize mouse sprites based on user-defined textures. This asset is designed to enhance user interaction and visual feedback by allowing effortless modification of cursor sprites across different states.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic Cursor Modification: Easily change mouse sprites between different states, enhancing user interaction and visual feedback.
  • Addressables Integration: Utilizes Addressables to streamline texture management, ensuring efficient resource loading and access.
  • Customizable Enum Collection: Allows users to define and manage cursor sprite identifiers via an extensible enum collection, enhancing flexibility and ease of use.

Sample Scenes:

  • Custom Cursor Sample: Explore the capability to change the cursor sprite dynamically when the mouse hovers over UI interactable elements.