Animating Escalators

This is a fully animated set of escalators. The direction of the animation can be set to go forward or reverse

Even ...

by Kobra Game Studios

Price History +

This is a fully animated set of escalators. The direction of the animation can be set to go forward or reverse

Even the handrails are animated using a scrolling texture and match the speed of the step movement.

There are 4 different escalators that are suitable for different sized floor heights.

The triangle/vert counts are:
LOD0: 7,966 triangles / 7658 vertices
LOD1: 4,936 triangles / 6724 vertices
LOD2: 2,644 triangles / 4476 vertices
LOD3: 605 triangles / 1217 vertices

The materials are all PBR configured and each model has a set of albedo / normal / specular / gloss texture maps

Texture sizes vary from 4096x4096 to 2048x512.