Dark Fantasy – Primitive Warrior 3Pack
A hyena-type monster for the game. These are the resources used in the actual game.
by Ntriple, INC
Price History +
**Number of Skins**
- 3 (Chief, Fighter, Archer)
**Model Size**
- Caldeum_Chief = 190cm, Caldeum Fighter = 180cm, Caldeum Archer = 180cm (1 Unit = 1.0 Centimeters)
**Poly Info** (Tris, Verts)
- Caldeum_Chief = 17419 Tris, 9290 Verts. Weapon = 486 Tris, 257 Verts
- Caldeum_Fighter = 7188 Tris, 3825 Verts, Weapon = 248 Tris, 128 Verts
- Caldeum_Archer = 7332 Tris, 3969 Verts, Weapon = 192 Tris, 98 Verts
**Animation Information** (Including 1 general type animation)
- idle_01