Dungeons and Caves: Throne Room

This pack contains more than 40 props to use creating Dungeons and Librarys with some seamless & normals materials and ...

by Israel Alves González

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This pack contains more than 40 props to use creating Dungeons and Librarys with some seamless & normals materials and textures.

More details:


- 5 Flagstones
- 16 types of grass and plants
- 2 Books
- 2 Curtains
- 1 BlindArch
- 1 Floor
- 2 Plant Pots
- 5 Stones
- 1 Light Halo
- 2 Stands (Wood & Stone)
- 2 Walls
- 1 Stone Throne
- 2 Wall Lights
- 2 Wood Beams
- 1 WoodPlank


- Seamless Stone Floor
- Seamless Wall
- Light
- Plants
- Miscellaneous 1 & 2
- Throne
- Test Material (Wireframe)

All materials have Albedo, Ambient oclussion, metallic/specular and normal maps (Some also have emission and height maps)

Test Scene Included.