Dynamic Enemy Plants

.:4 Enemy Plants:.
Plants are stationary enemies for your games that contain:

-Albedo, Normal, ...

by SnowFiend Studios

★★★★★ star rating
Price History +

.:4 Enemy Plants:.
Plants are stationary enemies for your games that contain:

-Albedo, Normal, Ambient Oclussion and Emission textures
-Enemy Plant .FBX
-Environment plant .FBX
-Static plant.FBX
-Particle example(spores)
-Idle, IdleReady, MeleeAttack, RangeAttack, Spell and Death animations

Albedo texture is gray/white allowing you to set the plants color in the inspector. Emission texture greatly improves look of plant(specially in dark environments) and gives you more customization on the plant's overall look. Environment plant contains a idle animation while static plant does not, these assets will help the Enemy Plant blend into your environments..

If you have any comments or suggestions about this free asset please do share it with me.