Emo Robot 04

A cheerful robot with a large set of animations that can change emotions! Mobile friendly.

by GrigoriyArx

Price History +


Demo scene included!

URP package included!

10 Face emotions:

  1. Neutral
  2. Happy
  3. Sad
  4. Distrust
  5. Wonder
  6. Death
  7. Disgust
  8. Angry
  9. Cry
  10. Love

More then 30 animations:

  1. Emotion Angry
  2. Emotion Cry
  3. Emotion Dance1
  4. Emotion Dance2
  5. Emotion Don't know'
  6. Emotion Hello
  7. Emotion Laught
  8. Emotion ThumbsUp
  9. Emotion Looking for
  10. Emotion No
  11. Emotion Talk1
  12. Emotion Win
  13. Motions Fall front
  14. Motions Get hit left
  15. Motions Get hit right
  16. Motions Get hit front
  17. Motions Idle
  18. Motions Jump
  19. Motions Jump forward
  20. Motions Jump while run
  21. Motions Run
  22. Motions RunTurn90 left/right
  23. Motions Stand up from a prone position
  24. Motions Strafe left
  25. Motions Strafe right
  26. Motions Turn 180
  27. Motions Turn 90
  28. Motions Walk back
  29. Motions Walk
  30. Motions Walk turn 90 left
  31. Motions Walk turn 90 right