Fantasy Robot Game Pack

A pack of environment assets for a labyrinth-type level, and three animated characters to play with.

The set ...

by Slava Z.

★★★★★ star rating
Price History +

A pack of environment assets for a labyrinth-type level, and three animated characters to play with.

The set includes:

- Robot (1643 tris) with walk and idle animations
- Tank (1490 tris) with roll and shoot animations
- Cannon (531 tris) with shoot animation

- Ground tiled texture
- Wall and tower (393 and 484 tris)
- Low wall and tower (150 and 142 tris)
- Two pines (78 and 102 tris)
- Two grass patches
- Cliff wall and corner (290 and 372 tris)

- Hand-painted textures for all of the assets, mostly 1k diffuse, opacity and self-illumination maps.