Unity Connect
If you need sounds for this package
Attention, this package contain hand painted assets made with love :)
Features of this pack, very low polygons count, and optimized geometry
All prefabs have the correct orientation
Position/rotation - Set to 0
Scale of all prefabs - Set to 1
Textures size 256x256-1024x1024
This package include all assets from previous packages v1, v2
Whats new in the 3.0 pack?
Axe_v1 (1 prefab)
Bow_v1 (1 prefab)
Bow_Arrows_v1 (2 prefab)
Potion_v1 (1 prefab)
Pouch_v1 (1 prefab)
Wooden_box_v1 (6 prefabs, 5 texture variations)
Wooden_Barrel_v1 (1 prefab)
Wooden_fence_v1 (2 prefabs)
Wooden_log_v1 (5 prefabs)
40 elements for fast create your own Roguelike RPG or other game for PC or Mobile platform.
1 Simple demo scene
1 Showcase scene
See the Screenshots and videos for more details :)
If you have any wishes and suggestions, please write a review, for improve the quality of content.
Use and Enjoy :)