Low Poly Farm Assets and Animals

150 Prefabs

41 Animals
Bulls(3), Cows (4), Goats (8), Horses (4), Pigs(3), Ra ...

by Game Liberty-Dev

Price History +

150 Prefabs

41 Animals
Bulls(3), Cows (4), Goats (8), Horses (4), Pigs(3), Rabbits (4), Sheeps (6), Chicken (1), Roosters (2), Chicks (3), Ducks (3)
28 Buildings
Houses and farms (18), Chicken coops (3), windmills (4), Water containers (3)
26 Objects
Barrels (2), bucket (1), wells (2), Fences (4), Hays (2), Manger (1), Water Pump (1), Farmer Tools (4), Wateringcan (2), Wheat bags(2), Doors (2), Rocks (2), Scarecrow (1)
23 Vegetations
Trees (4), Wheats (5), Corns (2), Tomatos (2), Pumpkins (3), Salad (1), Cabbage (1), Carrot (1), Sunflower (1), Nenuphar (1)
24 Vehicles and accessories
Tractors (4), Trailers (4), Tractor plows (4), tractor shovels (4), Combine harvesters (4), Pick Ups (4)
8 Tiles
Grass (1), Dirt (2), Path (3), Water (2)

Can be used for commercial purposes