Modular Crystal Cave
A modular crystal cave environment.
✓ Customizable Crystal Colors
✓ 39 Unique Prefabs
by False Wisp Studios
Price History +
A modular crystal cave environment.
✓ Customizable Crystal Colors
✓ 39 Unique Prefabs
This Package Includes:
- 7 Different Corridor Prefabs
- 9 Different Cave Rooms
- 3 Crystal Clusters
- 6 Big Solo Crystals
- 3 Rocks
- 6 Different Rocks With Crystal Formations
- Cave Pilar
- Stalactite
- Torch
- Lava
- Cave Blockage Wall
- Practical Demo Scene With Fully Baked GI
Texture Size: 1024x1024- 4096x4096
Each prefab has a PBR material with an albedo, metallic-smoothness, and normal map.
All crystals prefabs additional also have an emission map.
All cave prefabs (corridors, rooms, pilar) have a low-poly and a high-poly version.
Mesh Complexities:
High-poly versions are ~4x as complex as low-poly versions.
Low-Poly Cave Structures: 950 tris - 12892 tris
High-Poly Cave Structures: 3800 tris - 51562 tris