Ophthalmosaurus Asset Pack

Ophthalmosaurus model equipped with LODs, 5 skins and 34 animations, ready to use as you see fit!

Swimming/SwimSprin ...

by Scorching_Kami

Price History +

Ophthalmosaurus model equipped with LODs, 5 skins and 34 animations, ready to use as you see fit!

Swimming/SwimSprint have animations for up, middle and down on forward directions. Walk set has 6 animations; forward, left, right and back.

Root bone included. This package does not include sound.

LOD0: 1 942 verts, 3 226 tris
LOD1: 1 222 verts, 1 802 tris
LOD2: 803 verts, 1 191 tris

Animation List:
⦁ AirIdle
⦁ Bite1
⦁ Bite2
⦁ FallingDown
⦁ FallingUp
⦁ Idle
⦁ LandIdle
⦁ Roar1
⦁ Roar2
⦁ Stuggle
⦁ Swim
⦁ SwimDown
⦁ SwimDownLeft
⦁ SwimDownRight
⦁ SwimLeft
⦁ SwimRight
⦁ SwimSprint
⦁ SwimSprintDown
⦁ SwimSprintDownLeft
⦁ SwimSprintDownRight
⦁ SwimSprintLeft
⦁ SwimSprintRight
⦁ SwimSprintUp
⦁ SwimSprintUpRight
⦁ SwimSprintUpLeft
⦁ SwimUp
⦁ SwimUpLeft
⦁ SwimUpRight
⦁ Walk
⦁ WalkBack
⦁ WalkBackLeft
⦁ WalkBackRight
⦁ WalkLeft
⦁ WalkRight