Semi-Low Poly Furniture Pack A (50)
Semi-Low Poly furniture pack! Perfect for mobile or high performance games without sacrificing the aesthetics! We only use 1 texture atlas for all the furniture to save on memory as well!
by Vian Elle
Price History +
Many assets have either too many triagles making game perform bad on mobile or in environment that requires optimization, or they have so little triangles that the models look low-end. This our assets we try to keep our models looking fantastic while highly performant. Here is how we do it:
- Made by professional artists with industry experience.
- Our assets specs are battle-tested on mobile devices in real comercial games including mobile MMORPGs such as School of Chaos.
- We only use 1 texture atlas for all the models, so there is only 1 material used in this pack.
- All our models have an average of only ~150 Tris, some much lower.