Statue Heads (Pack)
Pack contains five models of statues heads.
Aztec head:438 tris
Demon head:1.742 tris
Greek head:1.060 tri ...
by Maksim Bugrimov
★★★★★ star rating
Price History +
Pack contains five models of statues heads.
Aztec head:438 tris
Demon head:1.742 tris
Greek head:1.060 tris
statue helmet:798 tris
statue skull:1.350
All models have a texture: diffuse, normal and specular map, 1024-1024 size
Aztec head:438 tris
Demon head:1.742 tris
Greek head:1.060 tris
statue helmet:798 tris
statue skull:1.350
All models have a texture: diffuse, normal and specular map, 1024-1024 size