Stylized Paris Street

Stylized Paris Street with 166 meshes. There is a lot of different type of Assets to help you create or polish your Environments. Environment is made by talented Artist Giulia Coco.

by StylArts

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Stylized Paris Street with 166 meshes. There is a lot of different type of Assets to help you create or polish your Environments.

Environment is made by talented Artist Giulia Coco.

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High Attention to Details

Unique Concepts of Assets

High Quality Assets

Gameready / Optimized

Number of Unique Meshes: 166

Number of Prefabs : 167

LODs: Yes up to 4 LODs

Collision: Yes [Automatically generated)

Number of Materials: 191

Number of Textures: 478

Texture Resolutions: 2k, 4k

Average Poly Count per mesh: 50 to 1500 depending on complexity

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes