Winter Zone Mini

Package contains far mesh terrains, unity terrains, ground textures, weather FX, audio clips, heightmaps, splatmaps, script ...

by meshzone3d

★★★★★ star rating
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Package contains far mesh terrains, unity terrains, ground textures, weather FX, audio clips, heightmaps, splatmaps, script and demo levels.
2 mesh terrains (100m x 100m)
- 4k and 16k (tris) versions for each
- diffuse textures 2048x2048
- normalmaps 2048x2048

2 Unity Terrains
- 2 heightmap 1025x1025
- 2 splatmap 1024x1024

6 rock and snow textures (3k, 2k, 1k)

3 winter FX
- storm
- blizzard
- snow

10 audio clips
- blizzards (loopable)
- snow steps
- snow jumps

emitter position controller script
3 demo scenes

Web GL Demo 1
Web GL Demo 2
See also
Sound FX Zone
Winter Zone - Mountains