Yggdrasil Vault

Thank you for checking out our very first asset pack – Inside the Yggdrasil Vault — ...


Price History +

Thank you for checking out our very first asset pack - Inside the Yggdrasil Vault --- The theme of this project and contained assets coincided with the Buried Memories: Yggdrasil release, and subsequent contest - What's Inside the Vault?

Within this asset you will find mostly modular sci-fi / fantasy based pieces, built to be used within the HDRP, and Substance based textures from both Substance designer / painter for all models. The theme of this pack pertain to the Yggdrassil, and buried memories packages, but can be used on their own as well.

This release should be considered early access and will remain discounted until the full quality package has been completed. Due to some time constraints imposed by the contest, there may be some objects that need to be updated with better quality textures, updated lighting, etc.. - Any assets which require updates will be worked on soon after the #InsideTheVault competition finalizes. Thanks for looking.

Unity Version 2018.3+
Substance in Unity Package (For proper display of Substance Materials)

Pack Contains Over 70+ Mostly Modular Prefab Pieces
Scifi Hallways - straight/angled
Scifi floorsections
Stairs - stairs w/railings
Custom modular wall sections
Hand railings
Plants (6 variations) / Grasses (5 Variations)
Rocks (7 variations)
Roots / Root Pieces (6 Variations)
Spherical Core Reactor
Doors / Doorways
Obelisks - Normal / Broken
Octogonal Room with Doorways (Useful for connecting hallway sections)
Canyon Hole/Pit
Ivy Pieces
Support Beams
Misc SciFi Elements - Grow Pods / Cylindrical Pods
Light Fixture
Vault Main DoorLoc

Poly Counts for most items is low (Under 5k Tris - per item)
Highest Poly Count for Plants (Roughly 30k Tris - per section)
NOTE: Substance Source Files available as a link within package after purchase.