Better Music 2

Better Music 2 is a set of 87 tracks ready for your game.

by Pure Gaming

Price History +

HDRP, URP, SRP and Built-In render pipelines are supported out of the box.

What's Inside the package?

  • 87 total tracks
  • 72 loops for use in-game, in pause menus, loading screens, etc
  • 7 full songs
  • A special mission style song broken into 7 loopable parts.

What if I want some of the music changed, or edited to fit my specific need?

Maybe you don't like a specific sound on a track, no worries at all! Send an email out and if your request can be reasonably accommodated it'll be mixed again and you'll get a reply back with the new mix attached.

Some specific track doesn't sound right to me (the mix or master is off).

Send out an email and describe what is going on. If it can be fixed, it will be, and you'll get a reply back with the fixed track directly before having to wait for a package update.

Need Help?

  • If you have any questions or require assistance, please send an email to