Retro Sound Game FX 16bits

Retro Sound Game FX 16bits

This 16-bit sound effects package is a gem for any content creator looking ...

by Ratamandril

Price History +

Retro Sound Game FX 16bits

This 16-bit sound effects package is a gem for any content creator looking to add an extra touch of realism and excitement to their audio projects. With 450 different sounds in .wav format, you'll have access to a wide variety of options to customize your projects and create a unique sound environment.

From alerts and explosions to coin and jump sounds, this package has everything you need to bring your projects to life and make your creations stand out. Each sound has been carefully designed to ensure that it has the quality and clarity you need to impress your audience.

Demo SoundCloud

The package contains the following number of sounds:

V.1.0 audio tracks

1 Up -> 16

Alerts -> 28

Blib -> 11

Boom -> 21

Coin -> 20

Falling -> 20

Hurt -> 46

Jump -> 43

Loading -> 13

Lose -> 40

Menu -> 50

Pew -> 58

Power -> 30

Scan -> 14

Scenes -> 12

Wah-Wah -> 28

This package does not contain music or ambient sounds