Final Fantasy Tactics Like Battle (Isometric)

This template can be used as a game base to create a Turn Based game like the famous Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre: Reborn, Tactical Monsters Rumble Arena, PoxNora, Hadean Tactics, Disgaea...

by Leonardo Olivieri Carvalho

★★★★★ star rating
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  • This asset is not recommended for begginers. Its important to have good C# knowledge to create an entire solid game using this template.

This template include:

  1. Tilemap/Grid System ✔️
  2. Move System ✔️
  3. State Machines ✔️
  4. "Dynamic" UI ✔️
  5. Pathfinding ✔️
  6. Addressables ✔️
  7. Skill System ✔️
  8. Job System ✔️
  9. Level Up / Job Change ✔️
  10. Items and Equipments ✔️
  11. AI Strategies ✔️
  12. Push Skill Prototype ✔️
  13. Mobile Adaptation ✔️

My Discord => Dr.Carvalho#2557

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