Android Native Dialogs and Functions Plugin

This is a plugin that uses Android’s native features.
The following functions are mainly available.

by Fantom

★★★★★ star rating
Price History +

This is a plugin that uses Android's native features.
The following functions are mainly available.

・Pinch operation
・Swipe operation
・LongTap(LongClick) operation
・Hardware Volume Control, Disable Buttons

・Speech Recognizer
・Text To Speech
・QR Code Scanner
・Device Credentials (Authentication) [*Fingerprint, Pattern, PIN, Password, etc.]
・Gallery open to pick image
・Gallery open to pick video
・Send Text with Chooser (Simple Sharing)
・MediaScanner register
・Text string localization (Multilingualization)

・Text read/write on External Storage
・Get image file information
・Get audio file information
・Get movie file information
・Get general file information
・Get folder information
・File write access

■System settings/events
・System setting screen
・Wifi Settings
・Bluetooth request enable
・Application detail screen
・Application Installation check
・Application Version chek
・Permission check
・Permission request
・Market search (Google Play)
・Battery temperature, health, etc.
・Screen orientation event
・CPU utilization measurement
・FPS (Frame Per Second) measurement

・'OK', 'Yes/No' Dialog
・Single Choice Dialog
・Multi Choice Dialog
・Switch Dialog
・Slider Dialog
・Custom Dialog
・Single Line Text Dialog
・Multi Line Text Dialog
・Numeric Text Dialog
・Alpha Numeric Text Dialog
・Password Text Dialog
・Date Picker Dialog
・Time Picker Dialog

・Accelerometer Sensor
・MagneticField Sensor
・Gyroscope Sensor
・Light Sensor
・Pressure Sensor
・Proximity Sensor
・Gravity Sensor
・LinearAcceleration Sensor
・RotationVector Sensor
・RelativeHumidity Sensor
・AmbientTemperature Sensor
・MagneticFieldUncalibrated Sensor
・GameRotationVector Sensor
・GyroscopeUncalibrated Sensor
・SignificantMotion Sensor
・StepDetector Sensor
・StepCounter Sensor
・GeomagneticRotationVector Sensor
・HeartRate Sensor
・Pose6DOF Sensor
・StationaryDetect Sensor
・MotionDetect Sensor
・HeartBeat Sensor
・LowLatencyOffbodyDetect Sensor
・AccelerometerUncalibrated Sensor

・Easy Music Player

And etc...