COZY: ReSound – Adaptive Soundtrack Module

Immerse your players with dynamic music that matches your weather system! Play songs based on the current time, time of year, current biome, weather, and more!

by Distant Lands

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Included in COZY: Pro

Distant Lands presents:

🎶 COZY: ReSound - Adaptive Soundtrack Module

Create worlds that connect your players and immerse them into your game worlds with an adaptive soundtrack.

What is adaptive soundtrack?

An adaptive soundtrack is a soundtrack that adapts to the player's surroundings. Does your current soundtrack solution play calm and tranquil music while your players are fighting hordes of enemies? Have no idea how to handle playing mysterious music at night or heavy music during a panicked thunderstorm? Let ReSound handle the pressure with a single click!

🛠️ Extend your COZY system with onboard tools:

  • Setup transition types (no fade, fade out, fade in, crossfade)
  • Weighted random selection system that lets you select a song randomly based on a weighted seed
  • Setup setlists on a per-biome basis
  • Configurable silence periods to eliminate music fatigue
  • 15 songs out of the box & a custom editor to convert your existing songs to ReSound tracks
  • ReSound tracks play either a random song from a playlist or single tracks

Built for Creators

  • Setup mixer groups
  • Support COZY systems
    • FX profile system support
    • Biome module system support
    • Built with profile architecture as the priority
    • Module UI for easy editing
  • Detailed API documentation
  • Playhead functions via API and module UI
  • Setup different DJs to create "streamer mode" support

Features 15-song soundtrack from Sam Bowman Music