CSharp To DLL And Back

A handy utility that swaps script references from .cs files to .dll version of the same files, and back.

by SKGD Labs

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CSharp to DLL And Back is a small utiity that fixes references to C# scripts in .asset/.prefab/.unity files when the C# files have been moved to one or several .dlls

Who is this repository for?

  • Developers that want to avoid distributing their C# code in-the-raw.
  • This is a somewhat technical tool, if you are new to C#, libraries and code this is probably not for you.

How to use

In essence you need to have a set of CSharp scripts that also exist in a .dll, what you do is place them both in Assets, configure which is which in a small configuration tool and let Cs2DLL take care of swapping CSharp references in .asset/.unity/.prefab files for you.

For more details on how to use please check the linked video. There's a more thorough version of the steps involved in the documentation of the project.