Debug Camera

Are you working on mobile platforms ?
Are you tired of running your iOS application through xCode tied to your machine ...

by ElectrikSheep

Price History +

Are you working on mobile platforms ?
Are you tired of running your iOS application through xCode tied to your machine, in order to do testing and see your debug logs ?
Are you tired of having to launch Eclipse every-time you want to test your Android Application. And you don't need all those logcats, you just want your single debugs!

Well, don't look any further, this easy to use prefab is what you need. Just drag and drop in your scene and BAM, the debug will appear on your device.

The plugin works on iOS and Android. Haven't had the chance to test it for blackberry and Windows phone.
Known limitation :
- On Android you can use the Back key to hide/display the logs but nothing of the sort for iOS, it is always present.
- Cannot pause the flow of debugs, which can make reading hard if multiple Debugs on update()

The upcoming Unity4.3 and its massive GUI update will more than probably break this plugin and I will have to fix it.