EmptyCansLab Spline Tools

EmptyCansLab Spline Tools

by EmptyCansLab

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EmptyCansLab Spline Tools provides features to assist in creating spline. This asset requires Splines provided by Unity.

Transform Tools

Move, Rotate, and Scale tools are available. Pressing the X, Y, or Z keys allows you to transform the selected knots by moving the mouse. You can also transform the knots by directly entering the value.

Spline Edit Tools

Spline Edit Tools provides various functions for editing splines through the tool menu. In the Tool Menu, align, split, joint & link, flatten and rescale are available.

3D Cursor

3D cursor is a cursor in 3D space used to assist with spline editing.

Spline Create Tools

Spline Create Tool allows you to create various curves using bezier curves.

For More Infomation

Manual and Examples