Find References To Asset
Reverse-search for all references to an asset. Super useful, with ultra-fast near-instant results.
by OmniShade
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Find References To Asset is a lite editor tool that performs a reverse search, finding all references to a specified asset. It's simple to use, supports finding multiple assets simultaneously, and super fast with near-instant results even on massive projects!
This tool may be your single most-often used tool once you have it, particularly for developers and artists. It's extraordinarily useful for debugging, tracking how assets are used, or if they're unused even.
- Ultra-fast, near-instant results
- Auto-search selected asset on open
- Support for searching multiple assets simultaneously
- Option to exclude assets not in the build
- Click on search results to quickly ping the asset
- Search for previous results to recursively look up ancestor references
Note: This tool relies on ripgrep for its ultra speed (up to 10x faster than grep), a freely downloadable command-line tool available on Mac, Windows, and Linux. ripgrep is so fast, there is no need for indexing or caching files like alternative search solutions.
That's it, I hope you love it!
It's unbelievable that a tool as useful and convenient as this is not included in Unity. Once you have this, it is absolutely indispensable.
*Note that this reverse asset search is NOT replicable with any built-in Unity methods or search functionality, as this kind of search is very difficult to do efficiently without tools like ripgrep.