Floating UI

🔥 Floating UI makes your UI move and follow 3D objects 🔥

Easily create floating UI for health bars, item names, waypoint markers, ... and control when it should be visible.

by Gliding Squirrel

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UI Toolkit

Floating UI works with Unity's modern UI System 'UI Toolkit'. Any UI created with UI Toolkit (in UI Builder or through C#) can be easily made a floating UI.

Robust UI positioning

Your 3D object rotates? Your camera flips upside down? No problem! Your floating UI will remain on top. (... or where you want it to be)

Powerful settings

Make your UI stick to a specific position on your 3D object. Or make it appear always to the right of it. Powerful settings allow lots of use cases.

Optimized performance

Moving UI and updating it every frame can get costly fast. Floating UI uses clever techniques to skip work, caches values for reuse later and tries to avoid costly Unity API calls.

UI is in screen space, not in world space

Floating UI works with screen space UI. Screen space UI is placed on top of the resulting image from rendering your 3D scene. This has some advantages compared to world space UI, see section further down.

Hide or change UI

Your UI can be made invisible or modified when the tracked 3D object is hidden behind something in your scene. This transition can also be animated.

👉 Video demonstration

👉 User guide

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✨ Screen / world space UI

  • World space UI is a 3D object in your scene. It is rendered onto a RenderTexture. For example the screen of a laptop in your scene.
  • Screen space UI is not a 3D object in your scene. It is placed on top of the resulting image after rendering your scene. For example, a minimap at the corner of the screen.

⚠ Floating UI uses screen space UI

✨ Prefer Floating UI instead of world space UI when ...

  • Your UI should always have the same size regardless of movement in your scene. This ensures that text is always legible, buttons clickable, and more. World space UI on the other hand has a 3D position & orientation. This causes the UI to appear smaller/bigger or warped on your screen depending on the camera position, potentially making it hard to read.
  • You want the user to interact with the UI. This works exactly like non-floating screen space UI. User interaction with world space UI on the other hand can get complicated.
  • Your UI should be visible through scene geometry. Imagine a waypoint that should be visible through walls. World space UI on the other hand will by default be hidden by what is in front of it.