GASify (Free) – Gameplay Ability System

A Gameplay Ability System (GAS) is a framework/toolkit to create any game mechanic.

by Akuno (Felipe Rodrigues)

Price History +

This is the FREE version of Gasify.

Full version:

A Gameplay Ability System (GAS) is a framework/toolkit to create any game mechanic.

A GAS is like a collection of gears to build any kind of ability.

It uses Attributes, Tags, Effects and Modifiers to model any imaginable interaction.

You can build MMO/Action RPG abilities, crazy roguelike upgrades/effects, soulslike poise/stamina/dodge/animation synced systems and immersive sim objects and elemental interactions.

GASify is inspired by Unreal's Gameplay Ability System.



  • Abilities, Effects, GameplayCues, GameplayTags, Attributes.
  • Networking/Multiplayer Integration using Mirror.
  • 3 types of Abilities: Instant, Projectile, TargetedProjectile. (Full version: Instant, Projectile, TargetedProjectile, Toggle, Passive, Trigger)
  • Input buffering


  • Duration and Infinite GEs have a fixed duration.
  • No Calculations (Can't add custom code/attribute formulas to GameplayEffects)
  • Only Add or Subtract Attributes Operator (Fullversion: Multiply and Override)
  • Only Basic Modifier (constant Value) (Fullversion: Basic, ScalableModifier, AttributeBasedModifier CSVModifier)
  • No Tag filters. (Full version: filter ability and effect activation/removal using tags).