gitIgnore Utility

gitIgnore Utility is a convenient tool for managing .gitignore file. It allows users to quickly add or remove files and folders from the .gitignore file directly within Unity's Project Window.

by EnesOzdemir

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The purpose of the gitIgnore Utility tool is to easily add or remove files from the .gitignore file of the project.

How To Use It

When you right-click on any folder or file in the Project Window in Unity, you will see two self-explanatory options: "Add to .gitignore" and "Remove from .gitignore."

Additionally, under Tools > GitIgnore Settings, you have the option to change the path of the .gitignore file if you keep it somewhere other than the root for some reason.

Note: If your project doesn't have a .gitignore file, adding any item or folder to .gitignore will automatically create a default Unity .gitignore file for you.