Houdini Engine for Unity

Houdini Engine for Unity lets you bring procedural node-based assets into the Unity editor. These assets contain “rec ...

by SideFX Software

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Houdini Engine for Unity lets you bring procedural node-based assets into the Unity editor. These assets contain "recipes" that can be applied many times in multiple levels to create consistent, high quality game art.

DOWNLOAD & LICENSE: To use this package, you need to download the Houdini Installer then acquire a Free commercial Houdini Engine for Unity license or a Free Houdini Engine Indie license for Indie gamedevs. These licenses let you work with procedural assets, such as the Starter Kit Assets, in Unity. To create your own assets you will need either a Houdini Core, FX or Indie license.

Once you install and set up a Houdini Engine license on your computer, this Unity package will then communicate with the Houdini software to make the plug-in available within the Unity editor.

How does it Work?

In Houdini, networks of nodes can be easily wrapped up into Houdini Digital Assets then shared with other artists. With the Houdini Engine, these assets can be loaded into the Unity game editor with procedural controls available to artists.

The assets can then be manipulated in Unity. Anytime a parameter is changed on the asset, the Houdini Engine is called upon to "cook" the network of nodes and publish the results to Unity. This is why you need Houdini installed on your computer. This workflow allows for deep integration of Houdini Digital Assets into a Unity game development pipeline.

It is important to note that the assets are procedural in the editor and not at runtime.

Learn More at the Unity Plug-in page on SideFX.com