Local Menu

A localized menu building assistant with reskinnable presets.

by Stylish Esper

Price History +


  • TextMeshPro
  • Localization
  • Input System

Create your own cross-platform and localized menu with Local Menu!

🗺 Localization Assistant

Local Menu will automatically change the fonts of all text objects to a font that supports the active locale during runtime.

Loading Screen

Use one of the preset animated loading screens, or simply create your own.

⚙️ Customizable Settings

Local Menu comes with a settings system that enables you to easily create modern game settings while giving the player the ability to revert changes. Keybind settings are supported.

📱 Cross-Platform Support

A menu built with Local Menu will work on any device with its automatic keyboard & controller input support.

🎞️ Codeless Animation (Animatables)

Use the codeless animation system to animate all of your UI objects however you'd like!

📅 Event-Based Design

To reduce the amount of code you may need to write even further, Local Menu features inspector events you can use to execute specific actions.

📦 Four Complete Presets

Learn from or customize any of the 4 preset menu designs to create your own unique version!

Preset List:

1. Blank Default (any RP)

2. Modern Minimal (URP only)

3. Colorful Anime (URP only)

4. Dark Pixel (URP only)

👗 Styles (Beta)

Want to test a certain style on a large number of UI objects? Try the styles feature!

👓 Blur (URP ONLY)

Looking for a way to add a blur to your UI? Local Menu supports blurring background objects (including UI objects).

Documentation | Support