LongPress Button

Add a new interaction layer to your Unity UI elements with Long-Press Buttons, they activate their function after being held down for a configurable duration.

by JiRo Ent.

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You can read the documentation here.


  • CLEAR PURPOSE, Long-Press Buttons are useful to avoid accidental clicks in important actions such as crafting items in-game, buying items, confirming actions etc...
  • LONG-PRESS BUTTONS ARE NEW, YET FAMILIAR, integrated right next to Unity’s UI elements, you can create a new Long-Press Buttons simply by “right clicking in the hierarchy > UI > Button Long-Press”.
  • LIVELY INTERACTIONS, communicating the state of the button is essential and is done with 2 simple animations designed to be familiar, a circular ring that fills up as the button is being held, and a horizontal fill, both visualize the state of the button and give your players time to cancel the action or hold to confirm their intent. At the end of the animation, the title of the button gently clicks as clear feedback signaling that the action linked to the button is triggered.
  • CUSTOMIZATION MATTERS, from the duration of the press, color of every aspect of Long-Press Button, to the shape, animations, font, font size, backgrounds... The possibilities are endless, not only for your current project, but for all possible projects.
  • THOUGHTFUL DESIGN, you can elevate your players' experience by integrating Long-Press Buttons where it matters. Small decisions like this compound and deliver objectively better experiences, this is yet another tool that we at JiRo Ent use internally for our own projects brought to you here.


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You can read the documentation here.


Happy game development!