OB – Object Placer
Placing objects in the scene can be time consuming, especially when trying to position characters using their Animation Track. Now you can place GameObjects and Animation Clips with one click.
by Omar Balfaqih
★★★★★ star rating
Price History +
Place your game objects and timeline clips on any surface with a single click!
A simple tool that helps place game objects and timeline clips on any surface (that has a collider) with a single click.
Who is it for?
Almost for all Unity users. It helps level designers place, duplicate, and move objects around accurately.
Also when creating cutscenes via the Timeline, it can be a huge help to place your characters in the right place in no time.
Current Features:
- Place GameObjects & Timeline Clips
- Duplicate GameObject
- Look Up (Face normals)
- Boundary Offset (Smart offset)
- Offset
Beta Features:
- Drag to scale
- Repetitive Duplication
Check the features table to see which features work with GameObjects, Timeline Clips, or SkinnedMeshes.
To reach out for feedback, requests, or any questions, you can use any of the following links:
Or come and chat with us on our discord server:
I hope you find that tool helpful, all the best!