
ObjectSizeFitterKit offers a simple yet effective solution for adjusting the size of any GameObject to fit within a specified scale cube.

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ObjectSizeFitterKit offers a simple yet effective solution for adjusting the size of any GameObject to fit within a specified scale cube, making it perfect for implementing 3D object galleries or encyclopedias. By using this asset, you can ensure that the adjusted size of GameObjects aligns with their visual scale in the scene, based on the rendering size of components like MeshRenderer, thus guaranteeing consistent visual representation.

Included in this kit are handy components such as MeshCombiner, which combines MeshFilter or SkinnedMeshRenderer meshes of child GameObjects into a single mesh, and ObjectSizeFitter, a support class for adjusting the scale of GameObjects. Additionally, the GameObjectExtensions class allows for the exclusion of inherited components from a specified GameObject, enabling the retrieval of components from child elements only.

Designed to free developers from the cumbersome task of size adjustments, ObjectSizeFitterKit allows you to focus more on the creative aspects of your projects. The kit simplifies the preparation of prefabs and models, and by utilizing cubes as display objects, it prevents any distortion in the appearance of target objects. The included demo scene provides an easy understanding of how to implement and benefit from this asset.

Introducing ObjectSizeFitterKit to your Unity project will revolutionize the way you exhibit and manage 3D objects, making the process much more straightforward and efficient. Expand the possibilities of your project and offer your users the best visual experience with ObjectSizeFitterKit.

Third-Party Notices

Asset uses cc0 assets such as Kloppenheim 03 Puresky HDRI (Skybox), Utility Box 02, Concrete Road Barrier, Covered Car, School Desk 01, Spray Paint Bottles 02, Street Lamp 01, and すのこ(sunoko) under respective licenses; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.