Quick Hyphenation

Quick Hyphenation allows you to hyphenate your strings and Text Mesh Pro text fields in Unity, allowing for a massively improved typesetting quality and look.

by neoludic games

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Quick Hyphenation allows you to hyphenate your strings and Text Mesh Pro text fields in Unity, allowing for a massively improved text layoting quality and look by allowing for word breaks.

Check out the demo at https://quick.demo.neoludic.games

This often drastically improves the look of left-alligned text and is absolutely critical whenever you use justified text.

Quick Hyphen is based on Frank Liang’s Hyphenation algorithm, and can use any set of pre-computed patterns.

See https://hyphenation.org/ for a list of available patterns under permissive open source licenses, usually MIT or LPPL.

Quick Hyphenation comes with a set of pre-configured hyphenation assets for:

Danish - MIT License

Dutch - LPPL 1.0

UK English - MIT

US English - See Below*

French - MIT

German - MIT

Italian - MIT

Polish - MIT

Portuguese - BSD 3

Russian - LPPL 1.2

Spanish - MIT

Ukranian - LPPL 1.2

Welsh - LPPL 1.0

Using it is as simple as adding a component to your Text Mesh Pro text objects.

* US English: ”Copyright (C) 1990, 2004, 2005 Gerard D.C. Kuiken

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.”