Speech Bubbles for Yarn Spinner

Easy to use and easy to customise Speech Bubble Dialogue View for Yarn Spinner!

by Yarn Spinner

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This Yarn Spinner for Unity Add-on provides two easy-to-use and easy-to-customise prefabs for creating speech bubbles for your Yarn Spinner dialogue.

⚠️ This add-on requires Yarn Spinner for Unity and Unity 2021.3 or newer.

Speech Bubbles for Yarn Spinner provides a Casual Bubble and a Formal Bubble prefab. Both are customisable, powerful, and extremely flexible:

  • customise fonts, colours, and styles of bubbles
  • optional character nameplate
  • flexible anchor point for bubble stem
  • lock bubbles to camera, or not, your choice!
  • works for 2D or 3D games

This package includes two demo projects: 2D Sidescroller, and 3D Top-down.

Documentation is provided at the official Yarn Spinner Documentation: https://docs.yarnspinner.dev/add-ons/about-add-ons

For support, please email us at hello@yarnspinner.dev or join the Official Yarn Spinner Discord.