usfxr – Procedural Sound Effects

You can use usfxr to:
* Create original 16-bit like game audio effects like item pickups, jumps, lasers, etc, all insi ...

by Zeh Fernando

★★★★ star rating
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You can use usfxr to:
* Create original 16-bit like game audio effects like item pickups, jumps, lasers, etc, all inside Unity
* Copy your audio effect as a small string that can be played in real time without static assets
* Or, export those audio effects to WAV
* Play mutated audio effects to minimize audio repetition

usfxr is perfect for simple games or game jam entries. Ludum Dare compatible!

Web player demo

Source on GitHub

usfxr is a port of Tomas Pettersson's sfxr, and based on Thomas Vian's as3sfxr. It also supports the features first introduced in Stephen Lavelle's BFXR.