Video Streaming Player for MacOS

Video Streaming Player for macOS with extensive feature set.

by HISPlayer

Price History +

Stream HLS videos inside your Unity macOS Games and Apps. No matter if your videos are Local, VOD, or Live Streaming, our SDK will play them across all macOS devices with the best video quality and the most advanced features.


Supported Unity Versions: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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📹 Use Cases Video

Supported Platforms:

  • macOS
  • Windows & macOS Editor

Supported Rendering Mode:

  • Render Texture
  • Material Override
  • Raw Image

High-Level Features:

  • Play / Pause
  • Seek
  • Audio Volume Adjustment
  • Looping Playback
  • Playback Speed Control

Some of our Advanced Features:

  • MP4 progressive download
  • HLS Streaming
  • Advanced ABR (Adaptive BitRate) algorithms with control APIs
  • HLS with AES 128 encryption
  • Auto Playback
  • Configurable Aspect Ratio
  • Portrait / Landscape Orientation
  • Optimized H-264, H-265 Video Codecs
  • 8K (UHD) Resolution
  • 4K (UHD) Resolution
  • Rendering Videos on 2D & 3D Objects
  • Spread Video Across Multiple Objects
  • Adjustable Buffering Time
  • Multiple Video Streams at the same time
  • Audio & Subtitles Tracks Selection
  • .....



Our Video Streaming Player for MacOS is also available in a premium version for advanced video services that need custom development and expedited technical support. Contact us here to get the HISPlayer SDK Enterprise Version.