Xtebs Graph Framework

A generic graph framework implementation useful for creating and editing graphs both in the Unity Editor and in Game.

by Xtebs

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Requires Unity's Newtonsoft Json package.

A graph framework built with customization and ease of use in mind, by base class derivation, for both editor tooling / editing and runtime graph manipulation.

It also provides extensive documentation on everything this framework supports, along with a huge amount of code comments / summaries that help on teaching how it all works.

Runtime support is based on the facts that the core provides:

  • Basic functions to easily operate on graphs through code.
  • Overridable functions to tailor graph/node behaviour to your needs.
  • A custom json serializer for serializing graphs and nodes.
  • Some helper functions for typical graph use cases, like checking for trees, etc...

Editor support is based on the way that the editor extensions are handled:

  • Graph / Node editors for specific graph / node types, with some implementation cases / examples for included editor functionality.
  • Type based loading / saving / copying of graphs to / from graph fields.
  • Undo/Redo support for most graph editing operations.