Enviro 3 – UBER Shader

Enviro 3 - UBER Shader is a PBR UBER shader specialized for dynamic weather effects like rain, puddles and snow. Fully integrated with Enviro 3 weather syncing, fog and volume lighting support.

by Hendrik Haupt

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Enviro 3 - UBER Shader is a PBR UBER shader with following features:

* All render-pipelines are supported!

* Opaque, fade, transparent and cutout support.

* Tesselation support.

* Secondary texture layer with mask, procedural noise or height based blending.

* Dynamic snow with "subsurface scattering" like lighting.

* Dynamic puddles with waves and rain ripples.

* Dynamic wetness with rain streaks/flow and splotches.

* Triplanar detail normals.

* Fully integrated with Enviro 3 out of the box.

* Includes simple to use texture channel packer.

Please note this shader is not designed for mobiles!