Sci-Fi Hologram Screen Shader

The 'Sci-fi Hologram Screen Shader' is designed to be used without mesh creation, offering ease of use and versatility in expression.

by MaxKill Studios

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This shader and material asset is used for objects requiring screen displays in Sci-fi genres such as Cyberpunk and Space Opera.

It is ideal for creators who want to add futuristic visuals to their projects.

⭐ Key Features

  • Exclusively for the Built-in Render Pipeline
  • Customizable to suit user preferences
  • Flexibly applicable across various genres
  • Capable of three-dimensional expression on flat meshes
  • Controls for various expressions via RGBA channels
  • Includes 22 example materials
  • Quick shader switching between translucent and opaque states
  • Documentation for each property provided
  • Shader texture creation guide PSD file provided

📜 Sci-fi Hologram Screen Shader Guide